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Sleeve Fasteners

Ornaments, whose function is unknown but are considered to have been sleeve fastener, made of a crescent - shaped body and decorated with longitudinal incised grooves on the outer surface. The ends are usually decorated with a fine diamond pattern located between bands of incised grooves. The terminals expand to form two flat plain discs set at an angle to the body.

Dating and areas of discovery

Date : 1150 BC - circa 750 BC
Distribution: Ireland


Gold "sleeve fastener" The crescent-shaped body. Terminals expand to form flat plain discs set at an angle to the body. BM 1871,0401.7

A gold Bronze Age sleeve fastener

Gold "sleeve fastener" BM 1847,1126.5

A gold bronze age sleeve fastener


  • Eogan G. 1972. 'Sleeve-fasteners' of the Late Bronze Age. In Lynch, F and Burgess, C. (eds.) Prehistoric Man in Wales and the West, essays in honour of Lily F. Chitty. Bath, Adams and Dart, 189-209.