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These terms are from the British Museum /MDA thesaurus of archaeological object terms.
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | British Museum URI |
ABACUS | A calculating table or frame, specifically one in which balls slide upon wires. Used for the mechanical solution of arithmetical problems. | Preferred term | 95302 | 5090 |
ADZE | A cutting tool where the plane of the blade is at right angles to the shaft. | Preferred term | 96909 | 5104 |
ADZE HAMMER | A shaft hole adze with additional hammer knob, normally polished stone. | Preferred term | 96910 | - |
AESTEL | An object to point at words whilst reading, eg the Alfred jewel. | Preferred term | 97285 | - |
AGRICULTURE AND SUBSISTENCE | Objects associated with cultivation, the rearing of livestock, gathering, hunting, fishing, horticulture and the primary processing of foodstuffs. | Preferred term | 95055 | - |
ALEMBIC | A type of retort used for distillation. | Preferred term | 96816 | - |
ALIDADE | A scale or index of a sextant, astrolabe or similar instrument. | Preferred term | 95303 | - |
ALTAR | A structure consecrated for devotional purposes. | Preferred term | 95836 | - |
Altar Base | Narrow term | - | - | |
ALTAR CROSS | A cross designed to be placed upon an altar. | Preferred term | 95839 | - |
ALTAR VASE | A vase used on the altar. | Preferred term | 95840 | - |
ALTAR VESSEL | A container used upon the altar. | Preferred term | 96818 | - |
ALTARPIECE | A decorative piece connected to the altar. | Preferred term | 97485 | - |
ALTIMETER | An instrument for measuring height above sea level. | Preferred term | 95304 | - |
ALUDEL | An object used in the sublimation process. It is pear shaped with both ends open. | Preferred term | 97324 | - |
AMMUNITION | Articles used in charging guns and ordnance. | Preferred term | 97098 | - |
AMMUNITION POUCH | A container used to hold ammunition. | Preferred term | 95153 | - |
AMPHIBIAN REMAINS | Use for the remains of any part of an amphibian. | Preferred term | 100100 | - |
AMPHORA | Storage vessel, usually a two handled narrow necked jar. | Preferred term | 96750 | - |
AMPULLA | A miniature lead phial worn around the neck as a religious pilgrim sign, generally medieval. | Preferred term | 95897 | - |
AMULET | A trinket worn as a protection against evil. | Preferred term | 95896 | - |
AMULET CAPSULE | A case or container for an amulet. | Preferred term | 95254 | - |
Amulet Ring | Use both terms. | Narrow term | - | - |
Amulet Seal | Use both terms. | Narrow term | - | - |
ANCHOR | A heavy weight used to moor a ship. | Preferred term | 95457 | - |
Anchor Stone | Narrow term | - | - | |
Angle Bracket | Narrow term | - | - | |
ANGLE TIE | A bar fixed across a frame at an angle to stiffen it. | Preferred term | 96232 | - |
ANGON | A long spear with a double barb where one barb is longer than the other. | Preferred term | 97102 | - |
ANIMAL BELL | A bell worn by an animal, eg sheep, goats, cows and hawks, to inform the owner of the animal's position. | Preferred term | 100046 | - |
1 - 30 of 2,128 records.