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Ornaments whose function is unknown. This category includes a wide range of types as rings of solid gold (plain or decorated with grooved patterns), gold-plated rings with copper alloy core, striped rings with silvery gold alloy wire circumferentially inlaid and gold plated rings on white metal core, with punched decoration.
Date: 1000 BC - circa 750 BC
Distribution: Ireland, England, Wales, Scotland
Solid plain gold ring BM WG 30
Solid decorated gold ring BM 1874, 0303.3
Gold plated penannular ring with copper alloy core) BM WG 23
Hollow open gold alloy shell with no core BM 1874, 0303.2
Gold striped penannular ring
Gold foil plated ring with silvery gold wire inlaid into the gold foil BM 1888,1212.1
Gold plated tin core with punched decoration BM 1965, 0606.1