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Research in progress using our data

There are 765 projects in progress that you can read about. If you're not listed here, then please do let us know and we'll add you.

Research projects in progress or completed
Primary investigator Title Level End date
Liam Landscape Archaeology - Medieval Wales

I wish to become a research level user to assist in the writing of my Dissertation on the MS.c. in Applied Landscape Archaeology at the University of Oxford which is a 1 year project.

David Griffiths, Cont. Educ, Oxford University

Masters degree -
Liam Anglo-Saxon Cruciform Brooches

I would like to become a research level user in order to have access to location data of Anglo-Saxon Cruciform Brooches in order to study Inland Movement of Cultural artefacts and thus people in the Anglo-Saxon Migration period using Cruciform Brooches as a medium as an undergradu…

Undergraduate -
Liam Irish metalwork in the Danelaw

My research intends to explore Irish metalwork incorporated in a Danelaw context, especially lead weights, and the possible reasons for their presence Research level access will provide me with the extra information required to identify this metalwork, along with the spatial data …

PhD level research -
Liam Rural Settlement in the Roman Cotswolds

I am an MA by research student at the University of Birmingham studying with Roger White and Henry Chapman. My research project is looking at the rural settlement patterns of the Roman Cotswolds, Upper Thames Valley and the Severn Vale to understand their spatial locations and their relat…

Masters degree -
Liam Pilgrim Badges in England and Wales

I am currently a graduate student at the University of Oxford reading for an M.Phil in Archaeology. My thesis project, which will be completed in June 2020, will focus on the late medieval pilgrim badges of England and Wales. The potential to "shed light on a wide range of popular medieva…

Masters degree -
Liam Batlle of Bosworth


I have been researching the Battle of Bosworth, 1485 for the last 25 years and I was the main site coordinator when the search for the true site of the battle was being funded by the HLF and the work was being managed by Glenn Foard with the Battlefields Trust and Leices…

Personal research project 2021
Liam Oxfordshire Heritage

John Moore Heritage Services, based in Oxfordshire; we want to ensure that our desk based assessments are consulting the widest possible range of data available, including that curated by the PAS.

Desk based assessment -
Liam Rites of Passage

Rites of Passage: Funerary Commemoration and Cultural Change in Early Mediaeval Southern Britain, c. AD 430-600
(Full-time doctoral research at University of Cardiff, starting Oct 2019 and completing by mid-2022, with option of a further year to write up findings)

PhD level research -
Liam Iron Age Artefact Distribution

Jody Joy at the Museum of Archaeology and Antropology, Cambridge, is using PAS data to plot distribution of Iron Age finds in Britain.

Referee: Dr Sam Moorhead (PA&T, British Museum)

Personal research project -
Liam LIA settlements and harbours on the west Thames Tideway

My research will explore the development of LIA settlements and harbours along the west Thames Tideway, examining their importance in trade, transport and defence, and their relationship with the Roman world at this time. It will be the first to study LIA settlement and society comprehens…

PhD level research -
Liam Sherburn in Elmet

I wish to know the brooches that have been recorded from Sherburn in Elmet North Yorkshire. I know that detectorists have been active in the area of an excavation there conducted by MAP Archaeological Practice for which I am writing the small finds report. The excavated material has an un…

Archaeology society project 2019
Liam 17th and I18th Century Tokens in England

My Phd dissertation focuses on non-governmental low denominational coinage (tokens) in England, from the 17th century to the early 19th century. The dissertation focuses on two main waves of private minting, mid 17th century trade tokens and late 18th century provincial coinage. It is bot…

PhD level research -
Liam Anglo-Saxon Artefacts

I am interested in using the PAS data for the Anglo-Saxon/Early Medieval period across England to compare with my PhD findings. I would like to compare the types, quantities and chronologies of the settlement assemblages within my work to the corresponding PAS assemblages.


Personal research project -
Liam Personal ornamentation in the Middle and Late Bronze Age

This research concerns objects of personal ornamentation dating to the Middle and Late Bronze Ages. It seeks to catalogue extensive data on known personal ornaments of all raw materials and find contexts. Data recorded will include object form, material, spatial location, and form-specifi…

PhD level research -
Liam The Dumnonii

I would like to become a researcher level user in order to access the relevant information needed to complete my PhD thesis. I am a postgraduate research student with the OU and have until October 2022 to complete my project. The purpose of the project is to write a comprehensive economic…

PhD level research 2022
Liam Rome Resistant? Local Identity and Coinage Use in Roman Cornwall.

My name is Ross Humphreys and I am a MA Artefact Studies student at the Institute of Archaeology at UCL. I am applying for research access to the PAS to provide a dataset for my dissertation project, provisionally entitled Rome Resistant? Local Identity and Coinage Use in …

Masters degree 2019
Liam Mesolithic Lithics in Southern England

Part of this involves researching findspots of Mesolithic axes and other worked flint in southern England using information from Historic Environment Records and the Portable Antiquities Scheme in order to examine distribution and relationship to topography and underlying geology.

PhD level research 2020
Liam The Sky Deity in Britain

I'm a part time Phd student at University of Winchester researching the cult of the sky deity in Roman Britain. The main datasets for this project will come from material culture, including metal figurines and associated cult symbols found in stone, metalwork and other materials s…

PhD level research -
Liam Roman Coin Finds

Nathan Elkins is an Associate Professor at Baylor University (Texas) who works on ancient coins found across the Mediterranean world.

Referee: Sam Moorhead (British Museum)

Personal research project -
Liam Boy Bishop Tokens

I have been collecting and studying what are commonly called Boy Bishop tokens for over twenty years. Along the way I have reviewed the published literature and given the odd short talk on the subject to Numismatic Societies and metal detecting clubs. This includes a reasonably confident …

Personal research project -

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