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Principal investigator: Liam
Level: Masters degree
I am an MA by research student at the University of Birmingham studying with Roger White and Henry Chapman. My research project is looking at the rural settlement patterns of the Roman Cotswolds, Upper Thames Valley and the Severn Vale to understand their spatial locations and their relationship to Gloucester and Cirencester, as well as to potential other determining factors, such as roads, geology etc.
I am in the early stages of my research and believe access at a research level will assist in my studies. I anticipate using the data to identify potential settlement sites that have not been excavated and using models that I am intending to generate thgough the use of GIS, test hypotheses as to the kinds of Roman sites that could be represented in the landscape.
The research will take 4 years as I am studying part time. This research may be extended if I upgrade the programme to a PhD but this will not be decided until around March 2021.
Referee: Roger White (Birmingham University)