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Research in progress using our data

There are 20 projects in progress that you can read about. If you're not listed here, then please do let us know and we'll add you.

Research projects in progress or completed
Primary investigator Title Level End date
Liam Locating a National Collection

Valerie Vitale and Gethin Rees both have Research Rights for this project.

I would like to access PAS data as part of the AHRC-funded Locating a National Collection project, a collaboration between British Library (where I …

Large scale research AHRC -
Liam Warhorse: The Archaeology of a Military Revolution

I will be working on a placement as part of the AHRC project 'Warhorse: The Archaeology of a Military Revolution', led by Professors Oliver Creighton and Alan Outram (University of Exeter). Working with Rob Webley (University of Exeter; former PAS), I will be focusing on records r…

Large scale research AHRC 2021
Liam Dorchester (Oxfordshire) Environs Project

Awaiting full synopsis

Large scale research AHRC -
Liam Silchester Iron Age Environs Project

Hi, I am the project manager for a University of Reading research project entitled the Silchester Iron Age Environs Project, lead by Prof Mike Fulford. It is a privately funded project staffed in the main by university staff but with input also from English Heritage. We are at the start o…

Large scale research AHRC -
Liam Caerau Hillfort Environs Project (Cardiff University)

Caerau Hillfort Environs Project (Cardiff University) Since 2011 I have been leading archaeological investigations at Caerau Hillfort, Cardiff, as part of a major AHRC funded research and community outreach project called the CAER Heritage Project. This is a collaborative project b…

Large scale research AHRC -
Liam Caerau Hillfort Environs Project (Cardiff University)

Caerau Hillfort Environs Project (Cardiff University) Since 2011 I have been leading archaeological investigations at Caerau Hillfort, Cardiff, as part of a major AHRC funded research and community outreach project called the CAER Heritage Project. This is a collaborative project b…

Large scale research AHRC -
Liam AHRC: Occupied Medieval Villages project

I am researching occupied medieval villages as part of the AHRC Cambridge Community Heritage Project led by Carenza Lewis at the University of Cambridge.

Large scale research AHRC -
Liam Micropasts

 This project will be using the MicroPasts platform and crowd-sourcing methods to allow traditional academics and other communities in archaeology to co-produce innovative open datasets, and thereafter pioneers a novel pa…

Large scale research AHRC 2015
Liam Stonehenge & Avebury Revised Research Framework

Stonehenge & Avebury Revised Research Framework for English Heritage

Duration: 1 year

Large scale research AHRC -
Liam Landscape and Identities: the case of the English Landscape 1500 BCAD 1086

Identity was an issue for people in the past as it is for people in the present. Approaching past identities requires us to learn about the past, but also to unlearn a series of supposedly common sense approaches to self and other. The last millennium has seen the gradual growth of the na…

Large scale research AHRC -
Liam The South Oxfordshire Landscape Project: Settlement, Fields and Territorial Organisation, c.500-1600

VCH / University of Oxford research project:

This is an interdisciplinary historical/archaeological project to investigate the development of medieval settlement and landscape in south Oxfordshire, an area characterised both by nucleated villages and open fields (in the cl…

Large scale research AHRC -
Liam Society, economy and environment in England, c.600-1100: new evidence and new problems

Only fifty years ago, most historians would have viewed the landscape, local economy, and human environment of Anglo-Saxon England as intellectually marginal, and in any case impossible to investigate. Now, partly thanks to the huge increase in archaeological data and partly because inter…

Large scale research AHRC 2013

Enhanced knowledge of archaeological residues is important for the long-term curation and understanding of a diminishing heritage. There are certain geologies and soils which can complicate the collection and interpretation of heritage remote sensing data. In some of these ‘difficult’…

Large scale research AHRC -

The project will be a pilot study focusing on a specific set of geographical regions and research questions. It will cover all phases of the project life cycle from requirements analyses through to the implementation of a practical, cost effective solution to meet the needs of the researc…

Large scale research AHRC 2012
Liam Fields of Britannia Project,

I am currently a PhD student working as part of the Fields of Britannia Project, a Leverhulme Trust funded research project supervised by Professor Stephen Rippon at Exeter University. I will be carrying out a quantitative analysis of settlement relationships across the Late-Roman to Earl…

Large scale research AHRC -
Liam Viking and Anglo-Saxon Landscape and Economy

VASLE is a three-year project examining society and economy in England and Wales between the early eighth and mid-eleventh centuries. It encompasses both the Wessex-dominated south of England and the northern Viking (or Anglo-Scandinavian) region known as the Danelaw, utilising data produ…

Large scale research AHRC 2006
Liam Digital Coins Network

The Scheme participated in the Digital Coins Network - AHRC project workshops.

Large scale research AHRC 2007
Liam Thames Discovery Project


Large scale research AHRC -
Liam The Technology of Enchantment and the Enchantment of Technology? Iron Age Celtic Art, GIS analysis and the PAS

Oxford University (AHRC funded) - The Technology of Enchantment and the Enchantment of Technology? Iron Age Celtic Art, GIS analysis and the PAS

Large scale research AHRC -
Liam Tribal Hidage project

The Tribal Hidage project is a multi-discipline research project based at the Institute of Archaelogy, University College London.

Large scale research AHRC 2011

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