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Warhorse: The Archaeology of a Military Revolution

Principal investigator: Liam
Level: Large scale research AHRC

I will be working on a placement as part of the AHRC project 'Warhorse: The Archaeology of a Military Revolution', led by Professors Oliver Creighton and Alan Outram (University of Exeter). Working with Rob Webley (University of Exeter; former PAS), I will be focusing on records relating to early-medieval and medieval equestrian equipment. Beyond the higher level mapping and download capabilities offered by researcher level access, it is the aim of the Warhorse project to enhance PAS data at source - the PAS is one of our key project partners, and this principle has been agreed with them. Data would be enhanced in accordance with recording protocols outlined in the Finds Recording Guide (Geake 2001), as updated in the Finds Recording Guides located on the County Pages. I will require such access for the duration of my placement, that is, until August 2021.

Referee: Prof. O. Creighton (University of Exeter)

Audit data

  • Created: 4 years ago

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