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Research in progress using our data

There are 162 projects in progress that you can read about. If you're not listed here, then please do let us know and we'll add you.

Research projects in progress or completed
Primary investigator Title Level End date
Liam Roman Metalwork Hoards from Britain

I am a current PhD student at the University of Leicester investigating metalwork hoards in Britain from the Roman period. The project will use GIS analysis of all the known hoards to investigate any spatial patterning in the data and the landscape context of the deposits. The aims of thi…

PhD level research -
Liam TBC

Reading University

PhD level research -
Liam Ferrous Rituals in Iron Age Britain: A Study in Depositional Praxis

University of Hull

Title and Abstract: Ferrous Rituals in Iron Age Britain: A Study in Depositional Praxis. This research goes beyond Richard Hingley's study of structured depositions in Iron Age Britain by exploring practices surrounding the disposal, death, and superstition of i…

PhD level research -
Liam Ritual Deposits in Anglo-Saxon England

"How can non-funerary deposits inform our understanding of political, social, and ideological change in Southern Britain during the Early Middle Ages, 5th to 11th centuries ?". This is the question that I wish to answer in an MPhil/PhD project that I have recently embarked upon at the UCL…

PhD level research -
Liam Deposition of Bronze Age Hoards

Department of Archaeology, Exeter University

PhD level research -
Liam Great Orme Bronze Age mine, North Wales

This project is looking at the composition of the metal produced by the Great Orme Bronze Age mines. It also involves looking at the metalwork which is consistent with a Great Orme source and can therefore consider typologies and distribution of objects.

Department of Archaeology,…

PhD level research -
Liam The Danelaw Boundary

My doctoral research with the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Bristol, concerns ephemeral (fuzzy) boundaries, in particular the Danelaw boundary. This political boundary was agreed between King Alfred of Wessex and King Guthrum of the Danes in the late-9th centur…

PhD level research 2018
Liam Depositional Practices in Iron Age East Anglia

University of Cambridge

PhD level research -
Liam Trade network and coastal settlement

I am a second year PhD student in Medieval History, University of Oxford. I am supervised by Prof. C. Wickham and Prof. H. Hamerow. I am investigating the trade network and coastal settlement of 6th-early 7th cs. southern Britain and Francia (provisional thesis title: 'The Sixth and Early…

PhD level research 2017
Liam Conquest and continuity: characterising portable metalwork in Late Saxon and Anglo-Norman England, AD 900-1200

A characterisation of metalwork in the period of the 10th to 12th centuries AD to assess the reasons for changes in metalworking practices, including the Norman Conquest.

PhD level research 2018
Liam The Geopolitical Landscape of Pre-Viking England: Central-Place Systems, Settlement Hierarchies, Power and Governance in the 5th to 8th Centuries AD

I am undertaking a doctorate in Archaeology at the University of Reading. My thesis is looking at the development of 'central places' during fifth- to eighth-century England. It effectively consists of a series of regional case studies where all forms of evidence are considered, particula…

PhD level research -
Liam The impact of Roman remains in the landscape on the social changes taking place in early medieval England

I would like to become a research level user in order to access a greater degree of information on find spots. I am in the first year of a PhD study (estimated 2014-18) into the impact of Roman remains in the landscape on the social changes taking place in early medieval England. Th…

PhD level research -
Liam Large scale analysis of Bronze Age palstaves

Metal artefacts are crucial to our understanding of the Bronze Age, and the 'palstave' is one of the period's most well-known and widely-distributed forms. Analysis of prehistoric metal finds reveals not only technological aspects of production but also wider relationship between metal, m…

PhD level research 2017
Liam Late Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic lithic scatters in Eastern England

I am hoping to get research level access to the PAS database to obtain data for my PhD research which is looking at Late Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic lithic scatters in Eastern England. This PhD is a collaborative doctoral award set up by English Heritage and Manchester University an…

PhD level research -
Liam Regional variation in the coins of the Norman Conquest

I intend to look for patterns of regional variation in the English coin issues of William I and II, in order to compare them to the established patterns in the issues of the last Saxon kings and investigate whether the coins can shed light on the administrative systems of the conquest, at…

PhD level research 2017
Liam Patterns of Power, Power of Patterns: Change and Transition in the Border Landscape of the Northern and Central Marches, 300-1100AD

The project will examine the borderland landscape of the North and Central Marches using traditional geographical and archaeological techniques, combined with remote sensed methodologies such as LiDAR to offer new insight into processes of power and how that is reflected in landscape thro…

PhD level research -
Liam The South West Peninsula and the Roman World: A New Interpretation of Social Identity during the 1st to 4th Centuries AD

The South West Peninsula and the Roman World: A New Interpretation of Social Identity during the 1st to 4th Centuries AD The principal aim of my thesis is to resituate the Romano-British period in the South-West through an exploration of the relationship betwe…

PhD level research -
Liam Early Neolithic in Sussex.

I am currently on PhD, at the University of Southampton, researching the Early Neolithic in Sussex. My main area of interest is the Worthing Group flint mines and their wider environs, but I am also cataloging Early Neolithic sites across Sussex. Access to he PAS catalogue will be of gr…

PhD level research -
Liam Iron Age marsh forts

I am currently researching possible Iron Age 'marsh-forts' in North Shropshire at University of Birmingham through a combination of landscape analysis and palaeoenvironmental research. I have access to the HER via Shropshire CC but I also need PAS access to complete the picture. This is a…

PhD level research -
Liam Church plate and liturgical paraphernalia dated 500-1100 AD

Record items of church plate and liturgical paraphernalia dated 500-1100 AD for production of a comprehensive published catalogue of items, with additional output including liason with museums for short term exhibition, conference and publication of edited academic volume. Research to be …

PhD level research -

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