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Patterns of Power, Power of Patterns: Change and Transition in the Border Landscape of the Northern and Central Marches, 300-1100AD

Principal investigator: Liam
Level: PhD level research

The project will examine the borderland landscape of the North and Central Marches using traditional geographical and archaeological techniques, combined with remote sensed methodologies such as LiDAR to offer new insight into processes of power and how that is reflected in landscape through settlement/site morphology. The project will not target solely landscape morphology but embrace social theory on the expression and apparatus of power emphasising the 'borderland' as an active agent in territoriality and cultural processes.

PAS Data Utilisation: The project will embrace new datasets as available; for example, the proposed bespoke LiDAR survey of the Stiperstones, but also utilise the now freely available Geomatics Group LiDAR data. In addition, synthesis with recent (and underutilised) datasets, including the National Mapping Programme, Historic Environment Landscape Characterisation and Portable Antiquity Scheme data will provide a robust dataset to underpin research. The project will use PAS data to evaluate potential sites and areas of interest identified through remote sensed data analysis or evident in the spatial patterning of the PAS data. Permission will be sought for the dissemination of any findings resulting from analysis of the PAS data in accordance with the terms and conditions of Research Level user access.
Project Duration

Expected duration of the project is 3-4 years (PhD Studentship).

Audit data

  • Created: 10 years ago
  • Created by: D P

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