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Regional variation in the coins of the Norman Conquest

Principal investigator: Liam
Level: PhD level research

I intend to look for patterns of regional variation in the English coin issues of William I and II, in order to compare them to the established patterns in the issues of the last Saxon kings and investigate whether the coins can shed light on the administrative systems of the conquest, at a regional and local level. I will particularly be focussing on the role of the moneyers, as one of the few levels of administration which remained relatively constant across the period of the conquest. In order to establish the reach and potential influence of the coins, and define the notion of 'regional' in the context of my study, it will be important for me to look at the distribution of coins of the various mints. Therefore access to detailed findspot information from the coins recorded with PAS will be very useful.

Audit data

  • Created: 10 years ago
  • Created by: D P

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