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Research in progress using our data

There are 162 projects in progress that you can read about. If you're not listed here, then please do let us know and we'll add you.

Research projects in progress or completed
Primary investigator Title Level End date
Liam A study of late Hallstatt and early to middle La Tène brooches in Britain

Using published and unpublished data from a variety of sources including excavations and the Portable Antiquities Scheme, I am building a database of early and middle Iron Age brooches found in Britain. This will form the basis for a re-evaluation of existing brooch typologies, analysis o…

PhD level research 2012
Liam A Key to Early Anglo-Saxon Identities? Girdle Hangers in 5th and 6th Century England. An Archaeological Contribution to the Anthropological Perspective on Material Culture

My PhD study focuses on girdle hangers as a material means of constructing and representing early Anglo-Saxon female identity.

Girdle hangers are an early Anglo Saxon dress accessory of the 5th and 6th centuries. As decorated copper-alloy copies of functional keys, occurri…

PhD level research 2013
Liam Iron production during the Roman period

I would like to become research user. I previously studied a collection of horse and rider brooches from Leicestershire Museums via PAS and Sally Worrell for my MSc, which I am in process of writing up hopefully for publication. Currently working on PhD at the Institute of Archaeology, UC…

PhD level research -
Liam Dress, Adornment and Identity in Late Iron Age and Roman Britain

This is an AHRC funded Collaborative Doctoral Award supervised by Dr Gardner and Ms. Sally Worrell of the Institute of Archaeology, University College London and Dr. Roger Bland of The Department of Portable Antiquities & Treasure at British Museum.

In many preindustrial soci…

PhD level research 2013
Liam A new study of the penannular brooch in Britain

This is an AHRC funded Collaborative Doctoral Award supervised by Professor Colin Haselgrove at the University of Leicester and Dr. Roger Bland of The Department of Portable Antiquities & Treasure at British Museum.
Penannular brooches were manufactured and used for an unusuall…

PhD level research 2013
Liam Later Iron Age Coinage in Britain: Reconstructing Insular Social Structures and Endogenous Aspects

At present I am a full-time Postgraduate student at the University of Leicester. The aim of my project is to examine the Later Iron Age coinage of Britain in order to reconstruct endogenous characters of the various communities/areas throughout Britain. By choice of sample locations, who…

PhD level research 2013
Liam The Manufacture and Meaning of Early Medieval Pewter

Research Proposal The Manufacture and Meaning of Early Medieval Pewter The history of pewter, a tin alloy, stretches from the Egyptian New Kingdom to the modern day. With tin and lead found in abundant quantities in the British Isles, pewter was second only to cloth among English …

PhD level research -
Liam A search for possible periodic markets in England and Wales

I am presently a part-time PhD candidate at Southampton University looking at Roman rural settlement in central southern England. My research commenced in February of this year, so that my exact approach still remains uncertain, although I am most concerned with economic aspects of the su…

PhD level research 2015
Liam Investigating anthropomorphic representational art on metallic objects in Coastal Eastern England

Investigating anthropomorphic representational art on metallic objects in Coastal Eastern England, AD 400 -750. This project identifies a corpora of human imagery depicted on metalwork from Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, Essex and Kent. 

This thesis exami…

PhD level research 2012
Liam Bejewelled: the Male Body and Adornment in Early Modern Britain

Natasha is looking at men in Britain from the period 1509 (beginning of the reign of Henry VIII) until the end of James I’s reign in 1625 and exploring the significance of jewels that they wore, owned and circulated. Trying to move away from notions of jewellery that sees it as trifles …

PhD level research 2012
Liam Landscape context of Bronze Age hoards in South Central England

I would like to request an upgrade to research level user. I am working on a project as an MPhil/PhD research student at the University of Winchester, looking at the landscape context of Bronze Age hoards in South Central England, with particular reference to the southern coastline…

PhD level research 2012
Liam Anglo-Saxon cruciform brooch

Ph.D. Abstract: The cruciform brooch is among the most abundant decorative dress accessories of the 5th and 6th centuries AD. Since the advent of the Portable Antiquities Scheme the number of known instances has dramatically increased to a value well into the thousands. Considering…

PhD level research -
Liam The nature of Island settlement in the Middle Ages: A comparative study of Island archaeology of the English Channel

I am registered for a part-time PhD at UCL looking at: ‘The nature of Island settlement in the Middle Ages: A comparative study of Island archaeology of the English Channel.’ My main area of interest is the Isle of Wight, looking to compare this to the Channel Islands, where possible…

PhD level research -
Liam Nationwide study of late Saxon brooches (8th-11th)

The Brooch in Context: Cultural Identity and Artistic expression in Late Anglo-Saxon England.

This is an AHRC funded PhD which aims to create the first nationwide study of late Saxon brooches (8th-11th). This will make use of the wealth of information that has been ga…

PhD level research 2013
Liam People and Environment in the Severn Estuary from the First Century BC to the End of the Second Century AD

People and Environment in the Severn Estuary from the First Century BC to the End of the Second Century AD My PhD research centres on the relationships between people and their environment through focussing on the notion of social change and continuity during the late Iron Age and …

PhD level research 2012
Liam Environmental change and land use in the Darent valley in Kent.

Currently studying for a DPhil at Sussex University which is looking at environmental change and land use in the Darent valley in Kent. This also links to a community archaeological project that i am co field director of - The Darent Valley Archaeological Project. As part of the project w…

PhD level research -
Liam Rural settlement in Shropshire during the late pre-Roman Iron Age to Roman transition period

Doctoral research at the Institute of Archaeology and Antiquity, University of Birmingham. The thesis will examine rural settlement in Shropshire during the late pre-Roman Iron Age to Roman transition period with reference to the developing urban centres of the Roman province.

PhD level research 2012
Liam Rural settlement in Kent during the Roman period

I am researching rural settlement in Kent during the Roman period and hope to integrate evidence from a diversity of levels. I am interested in the potential of PAS data as semi-random evidence which may throw light on a) the striking pattern of Roman settlement on current distribution ma…

PhD level research 2013
Liam New evidence of Viking occupation in the SW of England

Studying for PHd with the University of Bristol, department of Archaeaology and Anthropology. Looking for new evidence of Viking occupation in the SW of England. Evidence from portable antiquities is to be sythesized with other cultural evidence to identify areas on which to focus arch…

PhD level research -
Liam An analysis of Iron Age Oppida in SE Britain

Primary focus on the Iron Age Oppida in the South-East of Britain, mainly on the known oppida at Chichester and Colchester. A secondary dataset will be compiled of all known Iron Age activity from local HER's, the PAS database as well as any research investigations and use to conduct a sp…

PhD level research 2012

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