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Principal investigator: Liam
Level: PhD level research
People and Environment in the Severn Estuary from the First Century BC to the End of the Second Century AD
My PhD research centres on the relationships between people and their environment through focussing on the notion of social change and continuity during the late Iron Age and Romano-British period. Using the Severn Estuary in the Roman period as the focus I hope to show how identities and social relationships were played out through material objects at a time where the interaction of different cultures meant that identity and meaning were never static or simple but fluid and complex.
The study of archaeological artefacts allows us to investigate how objects mediate in relationships between people, knowledge and practices. Shared knowledge, world views and identities are often played out through material engagement with the world where various actors (both human and material) participate in a series of everyday practices. Shared practices can be termed as social or cultural habits and such habits and practices are formed from communal knowledge and understanding. This research seeks to identify possible cultural habits or practices (and with it the underlying shared knowledge) of those inhabiting the Severn Estuary during the late Iron Age and early Romano-British period in through a study of artefacts; brooches, coins and pottery.