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Research in progress using our data

There are 765 projects in progress that you can read about. If you're not listed here, then please do let us know and we'll add you.

Research projects in progress or completed
Primary investigator Title Level End date
Liam Viking Nottinghamshire

I am writing a book entitled "Viking Nottinghamshire", which will be published by Five Leaves Press in November 2017. The book includes information on Viking and Anglo-Scandinavian finds within the county, and access to fuller information on some finds on the PAS database would be extreme…

Personal research project 2017
Liam Landscape of the WItham Valley, Lincolnshire

A characterisation of the medieval and later landscape of the Witham Valley, Lincolnshire. Utilising a range of archaeological and other resources, this research seeks to reconstruct the evolution of the Witham landscape and its communities from the early medieval through to the post-medi…

External project (UK only) -
Liam Hornsea, East Yorkshire

A study of the Hornsea region.

University of Hull, supervisor Dr Helen Fenwick

Undergraduate -
Liam Tales of Bronze Age Women

I am a post-doc researcher at the National Museum of Denmark currently involved with the Tales of Bronze Age Women project. You can find more about our project here (http://en.natmus.d…

External project (International) -
Liam Roman Coin Hoards in Britain

MA Dissertation on Roman Coin Hoards in Britain, supervised by Dr Ben Roberts (Durham University)

Masters degree 2017
Liam Viking Great Army in the late 9th Century

I am currently examining the evidence for the Viking Great Army in the late C9th. Project confirned by Julian Richards at York University.

Personal research project -
Liam Silchester Environs Project

I am part of the Silchester Iron Age Environs Project at the Department of Archaeology, University of Reading. I have just completed an aerial photograph and lidar survey of our project area. We have previously requested PAS data (in 2015), but I would like to download an updated version …

External project (UK only) 2017
Liam Viking and Anglo-Scandinavian Sculpture in East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire

I would like my account to be upgraded as it will assist greatly with my current studies for an MA by Thesis in Archaeology (part time, supervised by Peter Halkon), which I am undertaking at the University of Hull. I am producing a comparative study of the archaeological evidence of scult…

Masters degree 2019
Liam Variance and Hybridity in the Roman Empire

I am currently undertaking PhD research at University of Chester under the supervision of Dr Caroline Pudney. My research focuses upon localised variance and hybridity within the Roman Empire in Britain, the Rhine/Danube and Syria. Acccess to components of your database at 'research level…

PhD level research -
Liam Roman to Saxon Surrey

As Secretary of Surrey Archaeological Society's Roman Studies Group I am currently engaged in research on the Roman - Saxon interface in Historic Surrey under the leadership of Dr. David Bird.

Archaeology society project -
Liam Viking Trade between Dublin, York and Chester

I would like to be become a resaerch level user as, I will be using the Portable Antiquities Scheme, alongside other data such as HER Data, grey literature, and published literature to analyse the Viking-age trade route between the cities of Dublin and York and Chester's involvement in to…

Masters degree 2017
Liam The Conversion of the Isle of Wight

I am a BA Archaeology student at the University of York, currently at the end of my second year. My undergraduate dissertation will be an investigation into the conversion to Christianity on the Isle of Wight, and the research will be supervised by Matthew Jenkins. The research will seek …

Undergraduate 2018
Liam Bronze Age Metal in North Wales

My working title is Bronze Age Metal in North Wales.

My ‘database’ is being built at

To-date I have recorded metal finds reported by antiquarians as well as those recorded in archaeological journals and…

PhD level research 2020
Liam Viking Age Nottinghamshire

I am a current MPhil student at the Unversity of Cambridge. I will be reviewing finds from the early medievel period in Nottinghamshire to determine if they can help develop our understanding of Viking age Nottinghamshire. It is a 4000 word project for a module on the Anglo-Saxon and Viki…

Masters degree -
Liam The Archaeology and History of Lacock

I am preparing an Archaeological and Historic Landscape Survey for the National Trust at Lacock Abbey and associated estate land (264a).

This requires documentary and fieldwork research to create a report bringing together the archaeological and historic evidence for Lacock. The r…

External project (UK only) 2017
Liam Bronze Age Metalwork

The immediate reason that I am requesting an upgrade on my account is that I am working with Dr Matt Brudenell on the Bronze Age section of the Eastern Counties Research Framework, which is currently being updated. I would like to include distributions of Bronze Age metalworking finds, to…

External project (UK only) -
Liam The Cirencester Region; Viking disruption in North Yorkshire

Using PAS I hope to able to augment my study of the social organisation and development of Cirencester and its hinterland as part of my MPhil dissertation at Cambridge University. I also hope to encorperate my finds to study metal detector finds as evidence of Viking disruption in North Y…

Masters degree -
Liam Survey of flint and stone Neolithic asex in Yorkshire

For my undergraduate dissertation (University of Hull), I am conducting a regional survey of flint and stone Neolithic axes in the Yorkshire region.The project will be over on the 3rd of May.

Supervisor: Helen Fenwick

Undergraduate 2017
Liam Researching the development of the parish of Newbald in the East Riding of Yorkshire

I am currently beginning to work on at the university of Hull. My exact question has not been decided yet but it involves researching the development of the parish of Newbald in the East Riding of Yorkshire. I am hoping to carry out some fieldwork to fill gaps in the current underst…

Undergraduate 2018
Liam Early Bronze Age Flint and Bronze Daggers in East Anglia

I am researching the treatment and deposition of metal and flint daggers in the Early Bronze Age, with a focus on the East Anglian assemblage. In order to be as accurate as possible in representation of the full assemblage of daggers I require access to all information available about the…

Undergraduate 2017

201 - 220 of 765 records.

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