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Issuing rulers of the Early Medieval period

Early Anglo-Saxon gold coin

This period had 4 issuers.

Early Anglo-Saxon silver coin (sceatta) and related continental series

This period had 1 issuers.

Coin of the Kings of Northumbria and Archbishops of York 7th-9th centuries

This period had 24 issuers.

Penny of the Archbishops of Canterbury 8th-9th century

This period had 11 issuers.

Penny of the kings of Kent 8th-9th centuries

This period had 6 issuers.

Coin of the kings of East Anglia 8th-9th century (excl. early pennies/sceattas)

This period had 8 issuers.

Coin of the kings of Mercia 8th-9th centuries

This period had 11 issuers.

Coin of the kings of Wessex 9th-10th centuries

This period had 10 issuers.

Coin of the Viking invaders 9th-10th centuries

This period had 25 issuers.

Coin of the kings of All England 924/5-1066

This period had 20 issuers.

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