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Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the British Museum /MDA thesaurus of archaeological object terms.

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI British Museum URI
HARNESS The arrangement of straps used to control an animal and/or to attach the animal to a vehicle. Preferred term 95682 -
Harness Bell Narrow term - -
HARNESS CLIP A clip used to attach pieces of harness together. Preferred term 95701 -
HARNESS FITTING Metalwork attaching or attached to a harness. Preferred term 97162 -
HARNESS HOOK A hook on harness to help attach items. Preferred term 95703 -
HARNESS MOUNT Fittings for animal harness. Preferred term 95704 -
HARNESS PENDANT Decorative fitting hung from harness. Preferred term 95705 -
HARNESS RING A ring fixed to a vehicle through which the reins were passed. Preferred term 95706 -
HARP A stringed instrument usually with a triangular frame. Preferred term 95483 -
Harp Peg Use both terms. Narrow term - -
Harp Tuning Peg Use both terms. Narrow term - -
HARPOON A barbed spear head used to catch marine life, usually has a rope or line attached to it. Preferred term 95780 -
HARROW A frame set with teeth used to drag over ploughed fields to break down the earth clods etc. Preferred term 95781 -
HARVESTING AND MOWING OBJECT An object used in the harvesting or mowing of crops etc. Preferred term 97682 -
HASP A hinged or looped clasp that fits over a staple and is secured by a pin, bolt or padlock. Preferred term 96270 -
HAT A head covering, usually with a brim. Preferred term 96586 -
HATCHET A small, handled axe. Preferred term 97376 -
HAWK BELL A small spherical bell for fastening onto the leg of a hawk. Preferred term 97576 -
Hawk Belt Narrow term - -
HAWKING EQUIPMENT Equipment used on a bird of prey for hawking. Preferred term 97512 -
Hayfork Narrow term - -
HEAD BAND A band of cloth or other material worn around the head, not totally covering it. Preferred term 96587 -
Head Cloth Narrow term - -
HEAD DRESS Covering for the head, especially ornamental. Preferred term 96588 -
HEAD NET A fine net worn over the hair. Preferred term 96590 -
HEAD ORNAMENT Decorative ornamentation worn on the head. Preferred term 96705 -
HEAD SCARF A cloth or scarf worn over the head as a covering. Preferred term 96591 -
Headstone Narrow term - -
HEADWEAR An object worn on the head. Preferred term 97107 -
Hearth Narrow term - -

931 - 960 of 2,128 records.

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