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Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the British Museum /MDA thesaurus of archaeological object terms.

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI British Museum URI
EGG SHELL Use for the remains of an egg whether from a bird, reptile or amphibian. Preferred term 95088 -
Emblem Narrow term - -
EMBOSSING STAMP A stamp used to emboss paper. Preferred term 95375 -
END SCRAPER A flint blade with retouch on one or both ends. Preferred term 96928 -
End Winged Axehead Narrow term - -
ENGRAVED OBJECT A portable object of stone, bone, metal or other material featuring a deliberately engraved or incised design. Invalid term - -
ENGRAVING TOOL A tool used to incise or ipress images. Preferred term 95757 -
ENTRENCHING TOOL A small tool with a shovel blade and a pick blade set at right angles to the handle. Preferred term 100155 -
EPAULETTE An ornamental shoulder piece, usually a badge of military office. Preferred term 96687 -
Epicranitis Narrow term - -
Escutcheon This appears on a number of objects, use appropriate term eg, bucket, keyhole, hanging bowl etc. Narrow term - -
ETCHING TOOL A tool used in etching which is the use of acid to breakdown parts of a metal plate in order to create an image. Preferred term 95756 -
EUCHARIST OBJECT An object used in the Eucharist. Preferred term 97504 -
EUCHARIST SPOON A spoon used to dispense communion wine. Preferred term 95970 -
EWER A large jug or pitcher with a wide mouth. Preferred term 96773 -
EXPLOSIVE WEAPON A weapon which causes damage through exploding. Preferred term 97095 -
EYE BATH A small shaped container designed to bathe the eye. Preferred term 95275 -
EYE SHADE A piece of strengthened material worn projecting over the forehead and eyes to provide shade for the eyes. Preferred term 96585 -
EYELET A small hole for a lace, cord or hook to be passed through. Preferred term 96688 -
FABRICATOR Used to detach flakes from cores or tools. Preferred term 96929 -
FAN A hand held instrument for producing a current of air for cooling the user. It is both a practical and a fashion item. Preferred term 96689 -
FASTENING An object to fasten, bind or join one item to another. Preferred term 96260 -
Faunal Remains Narrow term - -
FEEDING BOTTLE A vessel with a specially adapted mouthpiece, to assist in feeding young animals and humans. Preferred term 95711 -
FERRULE A metal collar or cap to strengthen the end of tubes, sticks, shafts, etc. Use with specific object name where known eg spear and ferrule. Preferred term 96261 -
FETTER A shackle for the feet. Preferred term 99625 -
Fibula Narrow term - -
FICHU A triangle of cloth worn by ladies to cover the shoulders, neck and throat. Preferred term 100079 -
FIDDLE A stringed musical instrument, usually played with a bow. Preferred term 95479 -
Fiddle Key Nail Narrow term - -

691 - 720 of 2,128 records.

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