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Antoninus Pius

Reece Period attributed: Period 7

Obverse image of a coin of Antoninus Pius

Member of the The Antonines dynasty.

Coins for this issuer were issued from 138 until 161.

Titus Aurelius Fulvus Boionus Arrius Antoninus was born in AD 86 to a politically-involved family. He eventually gained the honorific name 'Pius', possibly because of his devotion to duty and upstanding character. He took the usual route through Roman political offices, but he knew little of military affairs.

Hadrian adopted Antoninus in AD 138 after the death of designated heir Aelius Caesar. In turn, Antoninus adopted Marcus Annius Verus (eventually Marcus Aurelius) and the future emperor Commodus at the same ceremony. Antoninus' succession was unchallenged, and he introduced reforms for the acceptable treatment of slaves. An excellent public speaker, he ruled justly and compassionately. Antoninus engaged in no major military campaigns, and the empire enjoyed peace during his reign.

Antoninus Pius died of a short illness and was deified almost immediately by the Senate. He officially handed his power to his adoptive son Marcus Aurelius while dying. His body, along with his wife Faustina's, was laid to rest in the Mausoleum of Hadrian in one of the first imperial inhumations (as opposed to the more-common cremation).

Antoninus Pius followed his predecessor Hadrian's new fashion and wore a beard. He had a stern expression and was very tall and handsome.

Other resources about Antoninus Pius

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Information from Wikipedia

  • Preferred label: Antoninus Pius
  • Full names:
    • Antoninus Pius
  • Title: Roman consul IV, Roman consul III, Roman consul II
  • Predecessor: Hadrian
  • Successor: Marcus Aurelius, Lucius Verus
  • Definition: Antoninus Pius (Latin: Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Pius; 19 September 86 – 7 March 161) was Roman emperor from 138 to 161. He was the fourth of the Five Good Emperors from the Nerva–Antonine dynasty. Born into a senatorial family, Antoninus held various offices during the reign of Emperor Hadrian. He married Hadrian's niece Faustina, and Hadrian adopted him as his son and successor shortly before his death. Antoninus acquired the cognomen Pius after his accession to the throne, either because he compelled the Senate to deify his adoptive father, or because he had saved senators sentenced to death by Hadrian in his later years. His reign is notable for the peaceful state of the Empire, with no major revolts or military incursions during this time. A successful military campaign in southern Scotland early in his reign resulted in the construction of the Antonine Wall. Antoninus was an effective administrator, leaving his successors a large surplus in the treasury, expanding free access to drinking water throughout the Empire, encouraging legal conformity, and facilitating the enfranchisement of freed slaves. He died of illness in 161 and was succeeded by his adopted sons Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus as co-emperors.
  • Parents:
  • Birth place: Lanuvium, Roman Italy
  • Death place: Lorium, Roman Italy
  • Spouse:
  • Other title(s):
    • Roman consul IV
    • Roman consul III
    • List of Roman consuls
    • List of Roman emperors
    • Roman consul II
  • Came After:
    • Lucius Plautius Lamia Silvanus
    • Lucius Aurelius Flaccus
    • Lucius Poblicola Priscus
    • Gaius Quinctius Certus Poblicius Marcellus
    • Quintus Antonius Isauricus
    • Lucius Claudius Proculus
    • Titus Rutilius Propinquus
    • Lucius Minicius Natalis Quadronius Verus
  • Came before:
    • Marcus Nonius Mucianus
    • Lucius Marcius Celer Marcus Calpurnius Longus
    • Gaius Julius Bassus (consul 139)
    • Gaius Herennius Capella
    • Publius Cassius Secundus
    • Lucius Coelius Rufus
    • Decimus Velius Fidus
    • Marcus Ceccius Justinus
  • Subjects on wikipedia:

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