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Reece Period attributed: Period 14
Member of the Britannic Emperors dynasty.
Coins for this issuer were issued from 286 until 293.
Marcus Aurelius Mausaeus Carausius was a military commander under Maximian and Diocletian. When the two emperors assembled a military force to fight the Franks and Saxons, Carausius held command of the fleet.
The emperors accused Carausius of taking pirate spoil for himself and resolved to punish him, but he escaped into Britain with a small force. There, he declared himself Augustus and trained the locals as sailors and soldiers.
Diocletian and Maximian failed in their attempts to squash Carausius’ reign. His rule extended far into Gaul, and in 290 the two emperors were forced to recognize his regime. In 293 Allectus, Carausius’ minister of finance, killed him and assumed power.
View all coins recorded by the scheme attributed to Carausius.