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Clodius Albinus

Reece Period attributed: Period 10

Obverse image of a coin of Clodius Albinus

Member of the 193-197 dynasty.

Coins for this issuer were issued from 193 until 197.

Clodius Albinus was a British usurper who rose to power in the confusion of AD 193. Of North African origin, he had tenuous ties to Severus, who gave him the name Caesar to buy Albinus\' neutrality.

Albinus crossed into Gaul in 196, while Severus was in Rome. They finally faced off near Lyon, and Albinus committed suicide when his troops were near defeat. Severus cut off his head and sent it back to Rome.

Other resources about Clodius Albinus

View all coins recorded by the scheme attributed to Clodius Albinus.

Information from Wikipedia

  • Preferred label: Clodius Albinus
  • Full names:
    • Clodius Albinus
  • Title:
  • Predecessor:
  • Successor:
  • Definition: Decimus Clodius Albinus (c. 150 – 19 February 197) was a Roman imperial pretender between 193 and 197. He was proclaimed emperor by the legions in Britain and Hispania (the Iberian Peninsula, comprising modern Spain and Portugal) after the murder of Pertinax in 193 (known as the "Year of the Five Emperors"), and proclaimed himself emperor again in 196, before his final defeat and death the following year.
  • Parents:
    • Father:
    • Mother:
  • Birth place:
  • Death place: Lugdunum
  • Spouse:
    • Other title(s):
      • List of Roman consuls
      • Roman governors of Britain
      • List of Roman emperors
    • Came After:
      • Publius Julius Scapula Tertullus Priscus
      • Quintus Tineius Clemens
    • Came before:
      • G. Aemilius Severus Cantabrinus
      • Lucius Fabius Cilo
    • Subjects on wikipedia:

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