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Reece Period attributed: Period 17

Obverse image of a coin of Theodora

Member of the House of Constantine dynasty.

Coins for this issuer were issued from 337 until 341.

Theodora was the second wife of Constantius I and daughter of Maximian. She had two sons, Flavius Dalmatius and Flavius Julius Constantius. Her fate is unknown.

Other resources about Theodora

View all coins recorded by the scheme attributed to Theodora.

Information from Wikipedia

  • Preferred label: Flavia Maximiana Theodora
  • Full names:
    • Flavia Maximiana Theodora
  • Title:
  • Predecessor:
  • Successor:
  • Definition: Flavia Maximiana Theodora (c. 275 – before 337) was a Roman empress, wife of Constantius Chlorus. She is often referred to as a stepdaughter of Emperor Maximian by ancient sources, leading to claims by historians Otto Seeck and Ernest Stein that she was born from an earlier marriage between Eutropia, wife of Maximian, and Afranius Hannibalianus. This man was consul in 292 and praetorian prefect under Diocletian. Timothy Barnes challenges this view stating that all "stepdaughter sources" derive their information from the partially unreliable work Kaisergeschichte (written in the 4th century), while more reliable sources refer to Theodora as Maximian's natural daughter. He concludes that she was born no later than c. 275 to an unnamed earlier wife of Maximian, possibly one of Hannibalianus' daughters. Before 21 April 289, Theodora married Flavius Valerius Constantius (later known as Constantius Chlorus), after he had divorced from his first wife, Helena, to strengthen his political position. The couple had six children: * Flavius Dalmatius; * Julius Constantius, father of Roman emperor Julian and of the unnamed wife of Constantius II; * Hannibalianus; * Anastasia, who was to marry Bassianus; * Flavia Julia Constantia, wife of Roman emperor Licinius; * Eutropia, mother of Nepotianus.
  • Parents:
    • Father:
    • Mother:
  • Birth place:
  • Death place:
  • Spouse:
  • Other title(s):
    • Empress of Rome
  • Came After:
    • Galeria Valeria
  • Came before:
    • Eutropia
    • Prisca (empress)
  • Subjects on wikipedia:

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