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Obverse image of a coin of Gratian

Member of the House of Valentinian dynasty.

Coins for this issuer were issued from 367 until 383.

Flavius Gratianus was the son of Valentinian I and Severa. In 367 he was given the rank of Augustus, though only 7 years old. He appointed the general Theodosius to govern the troubled eastern provinces; in 383 the commander of the British legions, Magnus Maximus, proclaimed himself emperor and Gratian’s army deserted him. The young emperor fled to the Alps but was killed at Lugdunum (Lyons).

His reign was considered auspicious and he issued a coin with the inscription ‘GLORIA NOVI SAECULI’ on the reverse.

Other resources about Gratian

View all coins recorded by the scheme attributed to Gratian.

Information from Wikipedia

  • Preferred label: Gratian
  • Full names:
    • Gratian
  • Title: Valens, Valentinian II, Valentinian I, Magnus Maximus, Gratian
  • Predecessor: Valentinian I
  • Successor: Magnus Maximus
  • Definition: Gratian (/ˈɡreɪʃən/; Latin: Gratianus; 18 April 359 – 25 August 383) was emperor of the Western Roman Empire from 367 to 383. The eldest son of Valentinian I, Gratian accompanied his father on several campaigns along the Rhine and Danube frontiers and was raised to the rank of Augustus in 367. Upon the death of Valentinian in 375, Gratian took over government of the west while his half-brother Valentinian II was also acclaimed emperor in Pannonia. Gratian governed the western provinces of the empire, while his uncle Valens was already the emperor over the east. Gratian subsequently led a campaign across the Rhine, attacked the Lentienses, and forced the tribe to surrender. That same year, the eastern emperor Valens was killed fighting the Goths at the Battle of Adrianople, which led to Gratian elevating Theodosius to replace him in 379. Gratian favoured Nicene Christianity over traditional Roman religion, issuing the Edict of Thessalonica, refusing the office of pontifex maximus, and removing the Altar of Victory from the Roman Senate's Curia Julia. The city of Cularo on the Isère river in Roman Gaul was renamed Gratianopolis after him, which later evolved to Grenoble. In 383, faced with rebellion by the usurper Magnus Maximus, Gratian marched his army towards Lutetia (Paris). His army deserted him. He fled to Lugdunum and was later murdered.
  • Parents:
  • Birth place:
  • Death place:
  • Spouse:
  • Other title(s):
    • Valens
    • Valentinian II
    • List of Roman emperors
    • Valentinian I
    • Magnus Maximus
    • List of late imperial Roman consuls
    • Gratian
  • Came After:
    • Valentinian II
    • Valentinian junior Augustus II
    • Valens Augustus VI
    • Lupicinus (magister equitum)
    • Domitius Modestus
    • Valens Augustus V
    • Arinthaeus
    • Jovinus (consul)
    • (in 376)
    • Eucherius (consul)
    • Syagrius (consul 381)
  • Came before:
    • Valens Augustus V
    • Quintus Clodius Hermogenianus Olybrius
    • Valentinian Augustus IV
    • Valens
    • Valentinian II
    • Valentinian I
    • Ausonius
    • Valens Augustus IV
    • Valens Augustus III
    • Valentinian Augustus III
  • Subjects on wikipedia:

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