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Research in progress using our data

There are 127 projects in progress that you can read about. If you're not listed here, then please do let us know and we'll add you.

Research projects in progress or completed
Primary investigator Title Level End date
Liam Bracteate research

Roehampton University: Bracteate research

Personal research project -
Liam Research on seal matrices

John Cherry (British Museum retired) is conducting personal research into seal matrices recorded on our database.

Personal research project -
Liam The Portable Antiquities Scheme: the Contribution of Lithics and Lithic Scatters

KAU Winchester - The Portable Antiquities Scheme: the Contribution of Lithics and Lithic Scatters

Personal research project -
Liam Research for book on the East Riding of Yorkshire

Hull University: Book on the East Riding of Yorkshire.

Personal research project -
Liam Totatis rings

Adam Daubney, Finds Liaison Officer for Lincolnshire is conducting a personal research study into the discovery of Totatis rings.

Personal research project -
Liam Anglo-Saxon finds for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight

Dr. Katharina Ulmschneider is based at Oxford University and is conducting research into the recording of Anglo-Saxon finds for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

Personal research project -
Liam Bronze Age Hoards: Their Contribution to Landscape Archaeology

An analysis of Bronze Age Hoards: Their Contribution to Landscape Archaeology, being conducted by Dr Bradley at Reading University for personal academic research.

Personal research project 2009

121 - 127 of 127 records.

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