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Research in progress using our data

There are 127 projects in progress that you can read about. If you're not listed here, then please do let us know and we'll add you.

Research projects in progress or completed
Primary investigator Title Level End date
Liam Ritual sites & practices in the Iron Age & Roman periods

Ritual sites & practices in the Iron Age & Roman periods (particluarly 1st century AD) specifically in Leicestershire/ Northamptonshire but also looking at wider trends. This is based around the excavation and publication of the Hallaton Hoard in Leicestershire. Research has bee…

Personal research project -
Liam Dress accessories

Within my research on dress accessories and other medieval material culture (early, later and post-medieval) I use the PAS data extensively. I use the data for my personal research projects, but also in my role as the Assistant Keeper of Medieval Archaeology in the Ashmolean Museum. As pa…

Personal research project -
Liam Early medieval state formation

My research broadly speaking is early medieval state formation. I have studied coinage and other artefacts to learn more about the early medieval economy. I want to both continue to look early medieval state formation and branch out to look at Later Prehistoric situations. Previous…

Personal research project -
Liam The economic and social status of Romano-British rural villas in Southern England

The nature of rural settlement patterns and the economy during the Roman occupation of Britain from the Claudian invasion of AD 43 to the end of the fourth century in Hampshire and West Sussex formed the focus of this research. The objective is to define a method of measuring the a…

Personal research project 2014
Liam Research for the KAS newsletter

I am conducting research into the distribution and manufacture of medieval pottery and tiles. I am part of the Shorne Woods Heritage project including the excavation of the medieval manor of Randall. I have just conducted archaeological excavations at Hartley Church where such material wa…

Personal research project -
Liam Museum interpretation

Curator of Archaeology at Colchester & Ipswich Museum. Using PAS & CCI data to aid with information for museum redisplay.

Personal research project -
Liam Personal research on medieval material culture

I am a medievalist whose research interests include medieval material culture. I work particularly on the period between the 8th and 14th centuries, but early Anglo-Saxon material culture also falls within my research and teaching remits. I also work on medieval landscape, locality and lo…

Personal research project -
Liam Battle of Evesham of 1265

Writing a new account of the Battle of Evesham of 1265, with a summary of the archaeology surrounding the battle including investigation of the Battlewell conservation area, to be published in 2015 for the 750th anniversary of the Battle of Evesham.

Personal research project -
Liam Celtic Coin Index maintenance (card index)

I maintain the card index for the Celtic Coin Index at Oxford.

Personal research project -
Liam Brooch research

Although having published my Brooches in Late Iron Age and Roman Britain, better known amongst the cognoscenti as Donald's Big Book of Brooches for Kiddies and Archaeologists, the task continues. The Scheme means that I have the means of, for no real effort, to test the distributions as w…

Personal research project -
Liam Acquisition research

Distribution of finds in the mid Essex area, particularly those in Chelmsford Brentwood and Billericay, and being acquired by Chelmsford Museum .

Personal research project -
Liam Battle of Lewes research project

Researching the Battle of Lewes 1264, East Sussex to try to determine the location of the mass graves by plotting known 13th Century artefacts onto a map of the area. This will then hopefully be written up as an article. I would like access to the PAS database with a research level…

Personal research project -
Liam Iron Age, Roman and medieval periods in the South West

My research covers the Iron Age, Roman and medieval periods in the South West, and in particular I am interested in the early Roman military occupation. I am leading ongoing research into the Roman fort at Calstock in the Tamar Valley, and access to full PAS data would assist my research …

Personal research project -
Liam Prehistoric Lincolnshire

Research leading to a publication on a book on prehistoric Lincolnshire, to be published by the History of Lincolnshire Committee.

Personal research project -
Liam Post excavation reports

I should like to become a research level user, with log-in rights. Our company manages post-excavation contracts, our specialism being early medieval (Anglo-Saxon and Viking) sites. I myself have over 40 years' of publications in the field of artefact studies, as well as excavation report…

Personal research project -
Liam A study of the origins of St Cuthman

I need research status for two purposes - one urgent, one non-urgent. The non-urgent one is to update the finds record for the Steyning Museum catchment area (in West Sussex). The urgent one relates to my study of the origins of St Cuthman (Steyning's founder saint, early me…

Personal research project -
Liam Landscape characterisation of Iron Age coins

I am carrying out research into local and regional variation in landscape character in the Late Iron Age/Roman period through to the medieval periods in East Anglia and the South East Midlands (the pre 1974 counties of Essex, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire, Bedfordshire, Hertfo…

Personal research project -
Liam A new classification system for potins

I am currently studying Flat Linear potin coins with the aim of designing a new classification system to replace the Derek Allen (1971) system, which hoard recording has shown to be badly out of date. It is also intended to fully publish the potin hoards from Thanet, Kent under the new sy…

Personal research project -
Liam Desk based assessment work

I am a freelance archaeologist and historic buildings specialist and undertake reports and research for bodies such as English Heritage, National Trust and private developers. I also do voluntary work as a committee member for the Architectural and Archaeological Society of Durham and Nor…

Personal research project -
Liam A review of ornamental metalwork during the late Roman to early Medieval transition within Southwest Britain

I am currently undertaking personal research, using PAS data, on the following topics (and will use the contact form to register this research, and my completed doctoral research): A review of ornamental metalwork during the late Roman to early Medieval transition within Southwest …

Personal research project -

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