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One million finds have now been recorded by the Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) since 1997. This is a remarkable milestone and represents a considerable contribution to archaeological knowledge. It is also a testament to the success of the PAS in breaking down barriers between archaeologists and metaldetectorists. I would therefore like to thank all of those involved with the Scheme, from its local Finds Liaison Officers (FLOs) and their managers, through the support given by museum curators and other finds experts across the country, to the many hundreds of people who have offered finds for recording over the past 17 years.
The PAS is funded through the Department for Culture, Media and Sport's grant in aid to the British Museum, with local partner contributions. The PAS is a significant part of the British Museum's outreach work in the regions, which we are committed to maintain and develop through its network of FLOs. Although the FLOs are the frontline, they are supported by a small Central Unit at the British Museum, as well as the Scheme's Finds Advisers, other experts in museums and institutions across the country and in the wider research community. These partnerships are crucial to the delivery and success of the PAS. It is therefore excellent news that the Heritage Lottery Fund has agreed to fund 'PASt Explorers: finds recording in the local community', a project designed to widen the PAS's volunteer base and also excite people about the archaeology of their local area. This project will ensure that over the next five years (and beyond) there are opportunities for local people to work more closely with the PAS, ensuring that even more finds are recorded. This is particularly necessary since the existing network of FLOs is at recording capacity.
The public appetite for archaeology was again highlighted through another successful series of ITV's Britain's Secret Treasures, with an average of 2.6 million people tuning in to learn more. The number of finds reported Treasure shows no sign of declining, accounting for 993 cases in 2013. The Treasure Act depends on the PAS for its success as well as colleagues at the British Museum, the network of national coroners and museum curators, and the Treasure Valuation Committee. I would also like to thank the generosity of the Art Fund, the Headley Trust, the Heritage Lottery Fund, the National Heritage Memorial Fund and the V&A Purchase Grant Fund, who all have funded museum acquisitions of Treasure. Also, thanks to all those who have waived their right to a reward, allowing museums to acquire Treasure finds at no or reduced cost.
The PAS continues to grow as an important research project, with its data being used by academics and the public alike. It is tremendous news that to date this data has been used in 422 research projects, including 15 pieces of large-scale research and 87 PhDs. It is incredible to think that local people are not only rewriting the history of their local area, but (through the PAS) are rewriting the history of this country. Lastly, I would very much like to thank the generosity of Treasure Hunting, who again have generously sponsored the publication of this report.
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The main achievements of the Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) in 2013 are as follows:
The main achievements of the Treasure Act 1996 in 2013 are as follows: