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    You searched for:

    • Free text search:broadperiod:PALAEOLITHIC OR broadperiod:MESOLITHIC OR broadperiod:NEOLITHIC
    • Object type:COIN
    • Sort:broadperiod
    • Direction:desc
    • Show this many records per page:20
    • Thumbnail:Only records with images please
    • Workflow:Record ready for publication

  • Thumbnail image of WILT-AADFDD

Object type: COIN
Broad period: PALAEOLITHIC
Workflow stage: Awaiting validation Find awaiting validation
Created on: Tuesday 27th June 2023
Last updated: Tuesday 15th August 2023
No spatial data available.

Records per page: 10 20 40 100

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Total results available: 1
Search server index: objects

You are viewing records: 1 - 1.

Search statistics

  • Total quantity: 1
  • Mean quantity: 1.000
  • Maximum: 1

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1 - 1 of 1 records.

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