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  • Thumbnail image of BM-F78087

Record ID: BM-F78087
Object type: COIN
Broad period: PALAEOLITHIC
County: Barnsley
Workflow stage: Published Find published
Created on: Tuesday 7th December 2021
Last updated: Wednesday 15th June 2022
Spatial data recorded. This findspot is known as 'Lah', grid reference and parish protected.

  • Image not taken

Record ID: PUBLIC-6DE47A
Object type: SPEAR
Broad period: ROMAN
Workflow stage: Published Find published
Test for Sketchfab.
Created on: Tuesday 18th January 2022
Last updated: Friday 28th January 2022
No spatial data available.

  • Thumbnail image of OXON-98FC3A

Record ID: OXON-98FC3A
Object type: VESSEL
Broad period: MEDIEVAL
County: Oxfordshire
Workflow stage: Published Find published
Date / Material / Object type Physical description, measurements, colour Interpretation and analysis
Created on: Tuesday 21st March 2023
Last updated: Tuesday 11th July 2023
Spatial data recorded.

  • Thumbnail image of KENT-CDDF41

Record ID: KENT-CDDF41
Object type: SHOE
Broad period: EARLY MEDIEVAL
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Awaiting validation Find awaiting validation
It's a shoe!
Created on: Thursday 11th May 2023
Last updated: Thursday 11th May 2023
Spatial data recorded.

  • Thumbnail image of PUBLIC-CA8443

Record ID: PUBLIC-CA8443
Object type: COIN
Broad period: MEDIEVAL
Workflow stage: Awaiting validation Find awaiting validation
Created on: Tuesday 23rd May 2023
Last updated: Thursday 13th July 2023
No spatial data available.

  • Thumbnail image of WILT-AADFDD

Object type: COIN
Broad period: PALAEOLITHIC
Workflow stage: Awaiting validation Find awaiting validation
Created on: Tuesday 27th June 2023
Last updated: Tuesday 15th August 2023
No spatial data available.

  • Image not taken

Record ID: WILT-B799EE
Object type: COIN
Broad period: PALAEOLITHIC
Workflow stage: Awaiting validation Find awaiting validation
Created on: Tuesday 15th August 2023
Last updated: Tuesday 15th August 2023
No spatial data available.

  • Image not taken

Record ID: DOR-EDAD01
Object type: BROOCH
Broad period: ROMAN
County: Dorset
Workflow stage: Awaiting validation Find awaiting validation
An incomplete copper-alloy brooch of the Strip Type. The pin is missing. At the head are two short, flat wings between which projects the remnant of a forward hook for the attachment of the missing pin chord. The bow is tapering with a flat rectangular bow, similar to strip bow brooches. The bow tapers to a pointed foot at the rear of which is the stub of a small catchplate. The front of the bow is decorated with moulded longitudinal ridges and grooves flanking a central longitudinal knurled ridge. The rear is undecorated. Date: Roman- c. AD 25-70 Dimensions: 52.21…
Created on: Monday 11th September 2023
Last updated: Monday 11th September 2023
Spatial data recorded.

  • Image not taken

Record ID: BM-94469B
Object type: JETTON
Broad period: POST MEDIEVAL
County: Blackpool
Workflow stage: Awaiting validation Find awaiting validation
Created on: Wednesday 25th October 2023
Last updated: Tuesday 30th January 2024
Spatial data recorded.

  • Image not taken

Record ID: BM-4F35DE
Object type: BUCKLE
Broad period: IRON AGE
Workflow stage: Published Find published
Created on: Friday 3rd November 2023
Last updated: Tuesday 30th January 2024
No spatial data available.

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