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Regionality in Roman brooches

Suggested period: ROMAN

Now that we have a usable typology for late Iron Age and Roman brooches (Mackreth 2011), we can combine this with PAS data to work out the geographical distributions of different brooch types. Do the distributions of the earliest brooches coincide with Iron Age tribal boundaries, and if not why not? Do the later brooches have any meaningful geographical variation, and if so how does this relate to administrative boundaries? And lastly, do the latest brooches show any relationship to the later Anglo-Saxon cultural divisions? It should be noted that because the PAS has not yet produced specific guidance on how to record brooches, the dataset will need a great deal of cleaning.

Audit data

Created by: Helen Geake
Created: 5 years ago
Updated by: Helen Geake
Updated: 5 years ago

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