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Metal-framed purses of late medieval and early post-medieval date

Suggested period: MEDIEVAL

Purses with metal bars, loops and frames were first collected and classified by Ward Perkins in 1940. Before his untimely death, David Williams was working on a new classification and chronology, published in a FRG Datasheet (Williams 2018). This work now needs to be taken on by another researcher. Questions might include whether particular types cluster in particular geographical areas, and whether some places start or stop using purses at particular times. Linking PAS data to excavated examples, both in Britain and on the Continent, might allow us to refine the chronology and to raise questions of the use of these objects. Were they all really purses (for carrying money), or might some have been used for other purposes such as carrying tinder, or small trinkets such as hair fasteners or dice? In addition, many Class A2 bars bear inscriptions and/or images. Is there patterning within these, perhaps indicating workshop groups or regional fashions?

Audit data

Created by: Helen Geake
Created: 5 years ago
Updated by: Helen Geake
Updated: 5 years ago

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