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Landscape Archaeology in the Chilterns

Principal investigator: Liam
Level: Masters degree

My research relates to a dissertation for MSc Applied Landscape Archaeology with the Department of Continuing Education, University of Oxford. Course director is Professor David Griffiths. My dissertation supervisor is Dr Wendy Morrison, Chilterns Conservation Board.

The subject is looking at the recently located field systems in the Chilterns AONB and trying to pull together any information regarding their age and relationship to the wider landscape. In this respect comparison of location of PAS finds with field systems using GIS may give an indication of age. There are known complications in that many of the field systems are hidden under woodland, not the ideal conditions for metal detecting or field walking and not all finds will have a recorded or accurate grid reference.

Referee: Wendy Morrison

Audit data

  • Created: 3 years ago
  • Created by: S M
  • Updated: 3 years ago
  • Updated by: S M

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