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Chariot and equine material from late Prehistoric Wales

Principal investigator: Liam
Level: Masters degree

I am currently on the Msc Archaeology programme at Cardiff University and I am embarking on my dissertation. This research project aims to collate information on chariot and equine related finds from later prehistoric Wales. Results will be presented in a database of find locations, date ranges, related styles, suggested use and levels of use, and the finds relationship to other objects and settlements, ritual sites, hoards and isolated finds. The purpose of the project is to assist researchers to build their narrative on vehicle use in prehistoric Wales and their place within society. I would like to become a research level user in order to access information on the related finds that have been presented to your organisation. My project will be completed by September 2021.

Referee: Oliver Davis (Cardiff University)

Audit data

  • Created: 3 years ago
  • Created by: S M
  • Updated: 3 years ago
  • Updated by: S M

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