You are on the training database
You are on the training database
Principal investigator: Liam
Level: Undergraduate
I am currently an undergraduate at the University of Southampton studying archaeology and anthropology. I would like to use your database for my dissertation. My dissertation topic is looking at the distribution of Roman military pendants in Britain using the PAS database. I will look at different categories of pendants, using M. C. Bishop's (1988) typologies. I would like to determine the spatial distribution of pendants, as well as if there are preferred styles of pendants in different regions of Britain. There have been regional investigations using small finds before (Crummy & Eckardt, 2003) but these investigations have focused on civilian material. I am to investigate whether there is regionality in Roman military material, using pendants as a case study.
This investigation will last until approximately April 29th 2021.
Bishop, M. C., 1988. Cavalry equipment of the Roman army in the first century A.D. In: J. C. Coulston, ed. Military Equipment and the Identity of Roman Soldiers. Proceedings of the Fourth Roman Military Equipment Conference. Oxford: BAR International Series 394, pp. 67-195.
Crummy, N. & Eckardt, H., 2003. Regional Identities and Technologies of the Self: Nail-Cleaners in Roman Britain. Archaeological Journal, 160(1), pp. 44-69.
Referee: Dr Anna Collar