You are on the training database
You are on the training database
Principal investigator: Liam
Level: Masters degree
My name is Matt Beverley and I am an MA student at the University of Reading where I will be finishing the course in September 2020. I am currently in the process of writing my dissertation which is titled: Big Cats in Britannia: assessing awareness of big cat species in Roman Britain. My research uses finds, recorded on the PAS, with big cat depictions (lions,leopards,panthers and tigers) from across Roman Britain to map their distribution across the country in order to see how widespread the level of awareness of these animals was in Roman Britain. I am hoping to upgrade my account to access more of the geo-referencing data so that I can then plot these finds onto a map (using GIS) to see where they were situated in relation to notable settlement sites across the country. From there it will then be possible to determine whether more finds were found in an urban, rural, military or villa setting.
Referee: Professor Hella Eckardt (University of reading)