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Great Viking Army

Principal investigator: Liam
Level: Undergraduate

My name is Ben Hume and I am an archaeology undergraduate student at the University of York. I am currently researching the archaeological signature of the great Viking army for my dissertation in which my research will take reference to papers published by Dawn Hadley and Julian Richards which have identified this signature at sites such as Repton and Torksey. My research will apply this same methodology towards other sites in order to understand their significance throughout the period of occupation by the great army. I am requesting this access as a lot of the evidence of the 'signature' of the great army has come from metal detected finds which are stored within your database. The project will last until May 2020 and will conclude with the submission of my dissertation.

Referee; Dawn Hadley (York University)

Audit data

  • Created: 5 years ago
  • Created by: S M

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