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Roman Lead Tanks and Panels

Principal investigator: Liam
Level: PhD level research

I am researching the burial of complete and fragmented lead tanks and panels dated to the fourth century AD. Part of my approach is viewing them as part of landscapes of continued deposition, not just looking at where they've been found in the country but how they represent continued aspects of deposition at their respective sites. I am also looking to analyse them in contrast with their Anglo-Saxon and Late Medieval counterparts in order to see if the patterns of deposition continue or change in any regard. This will be done by analysing the state of the tanks upon their retrieval. i.e. complete or fragmented. I will also be investigating them in relation to their find contexts and associated finds, to investigate them as potential evidence of 'votive' or 'structured' depositional patterns. I am looking for an upgrade to research level user as i need the exact locations of some of the tanks such as the ones from Preshute in Wiltshire and Thompson in Norfolk. I am in the midst of my second year and am aiming to be finished with the project by September 30th 2020, although at the moment it appears I will be needing a fourth year for completion.

Referee: David Petts (Durham University)

Audit data

  • Created: 5 years ago
  • Created by: S M

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