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Roman Brooches in Britain

Principal investigator: Liam
Level: Undergraduate

My project would be to use the brooches found in a militarised area at forts along Hadrian's Wall and from the PAS in Northumbria, and then compare these with those from an area generally seen as more removed from Roman influence like Devon and Cornwall, and possibly if time constraitns allow a third area in Southern Britain. I would be comparing the brooch typology of military and civilian/ "Romanised" and non-"Romanised" areas, the location of the brooches in relation to Roman and native settlements and the rough spread of dating of the brooches. As an undergraduate dissertation it would be completed by the end April 2019.

Referee: Richard Hingley (Durham University)

Audit data

  • Created: 6 years ago
  • Created by: S M

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