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The Role of Byzantine Objects in 7th Century Anglo-Saxon Burials

Principal investigator: Liam
Level: Masters degree

I am a current graduate student at the University of Oxford reading for an MPhil in Archaeology,and my dissertation title is "The Role of Byzantine Objects in 7th-Century Anglo-Saxon Burials." My project, which will be completed by June, aims to provide an updated catalogue of Byzantine objects found in 7th-century Anglo-Saxon burials and re-assess their potential socio-economic significance in light of changing opinions about the economy and long-distance trade in the 7th-century. I hope to use finds from the PAS as a balance for the objects found in published funerary contexts. For example, can a difference be seen between Byzantine objects found in fuerary versus non-funerary contexts? Do metal-detector finds suggest a different distribution pattern than the finds from funerary contexts alone? Attaining a research level status will help me to further develop these questions as I progress with my thesis research.

Referee: Helena Hamerow

Audit data

  • Created: 6 years ago
  • Created by: S M

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