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Chichester Barrow Survey

Principal investigator: Liam
Level: External project (UK only)

~~I am currently undertaking a Masters (MRes) with the University of Winchester, researching Neolithic Oval Barrows specifically at a countrywide level with a more detailed case study area including geophsical work within the 'Secrets of the High Woods' LiDAR project in West Sussex.

Reasons for upgrade:

As part of this, I have been conducting geophical surveys of a Barrow near Chichester under a Section 42 License from HE. As part of this survey we discovered several mortar fins, schrnel and bullets on the surface as it was known to be in a WW2 practise range. Maria Buczak of HE has asked me to make an entry into the PAS of these finds, and thus I request an upgrade to enable this to research level.

I include as reference Nick Thorpe (, although James Kenny (, the county archaeologist is well aware of my survey work

Audit data

  • Created: 6 years ago
  • Created by: S M

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