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Archeological Spatial Analysis

Principal investigator: Liam
Level: Major publication

I am a quantitative geographer with a background in archaeology (BA and MSc from Southampton). I am writing a chapter for the book 'Archaeological Spatial Analysis' (edited by Mark Gillings, Gary Lock and Piraye Hacıgüzeller). I would like to add a couple of case studies which illustrate the application of geostatistical methods to archaeological data. Access to the eastings and northings in the csv download for finds recorded via the PAS would enable me to make use of a subset of this resource and these would make excellent case studies. I would very much appreciate it if this were possible. Provisionally, I would like to include case studies based on Roman coins (likely those of Carausius and Allectus, building on a paper I wrote a few years ago) and possibly on Bronze age axe heads.

Chris Lloyd, Professor of Quantitative Geography, University of Liverpool

Referee: Graeme Earl, Kings College London

Audit data

  • Created: 6 years ago
  • Created by: S M
  • Updated: 6 years ago
  • Updated by: S M

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