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River Stour in Dorset

Principal investigator: Liam
Level: External project (UK only)

We are currently carrying out a project looking at the influence of the River Stour, Dorset on its environment, starting from Stourhead to Christchurch. The project is being undertaken on behalf of Historic England ( for project design). A key part of this project involves examining the historic maps and comparing these with historic environment records, and using LIDAR data to identify physical features and changes along the course of the river. We are finding a variety of features associated with the river and the data held in the PAS records may be able to enhance our recrods and help us suggest dates for these features. For example, we have found a particularly interesting prehistoric feature near the Stour but have no idea whether any finds have been recovered from the area. It may be that stray finds in the area can help us confirm the date for this feature and others like it. Previously I worked at AC archaeology as their Finds Manager for ten years, so I am happy dealing with finds records.
Emma Firth BA MSc ACIfA
Director at Fjordr Ltd, marine and heritage environment consulting

Audit data

  • Created: 7 years ago
  • Created by: S M

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