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Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey

Principal investigator: Liam
Level: Desk based assessment

Coastal and Offshore Archaeological Research Services (COARS) at the University of Southampton are currently working on a Historic England-comissioned Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey (RCZAS) Phase One Desk-based Assessment (DBA) for South-West England (North Coast of Devon excluding Exmoor, and North Coast of Cornwall). The primary aims of the project are to enhance the local Historic Environment Records in order to permit an improved curatorial response to strategic coastal planning or management initiatives at a national and regional level, provide data compatible with the needs of other coastal managers,
parallel coastal surveys, industry and researchers, provide an overview of coastal change and assess the degree and nature of threat to coastal historic assets. Therefore, as part of this research, we would like access to the PAS database in order to see if it can add to, or aid in enhancing, the coastal HERs. The RCZAS is currently ongoing, and has a scheduled completion date of December 2016.

Audit data

  • Created: 8 years ago
  • Created by: S M
  • Updated: 8 years ago
  • Updated by: S M

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