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Analysis of Early Medieval coins

Principal investigator: Liam
Level: Undergraduate

The focus of my dissertation is on the creation of a database (and subsequently some GIS maps) of all of the early medieval coins recorded on the PAS, EMC and HER in Gloucestershire, South Gloucestershire and Bristol. Apart from getting more precise find locations for those recorded on the PAS this is already finished. Because very few coins are recorded for South Gloucestershire and Bristol I have also decided to create a database for the metal finds for the three areas as well but due to time constraints this database will only include those finds recorded on the PAS. The broad aim is to discuss the patterns of minting, trade and settlement across early medieval Gloucestershire, and then to discuss the Anglo-Saxon settlement of Berkeley within this framework. Since this is an undergraduate degree it will be finished in the first half of 2015.

Audit data

  • Created: 10 years ago
  • Created by: D P

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