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National Heritage Protection Plan (NHPP) Measure 3 (Understanding): Recognition/Identification of the Resource

Principal investigator: Liam
Level: Desk based assessment

As part of the National Heritage Protection Plan (NHPP) Measure 3 (Understanding): Recognition/Identification of the Resource, English Heritage is undertaking a series of National Archaeological Identification Survey (NAIS) projects to address those considerable areas of the country where even basic identification of heritage assets is poor and where the loss of unrecognised nationally significant landscapes and assets represents a real risk. These projects use as their basis information derived from air photo mapping and analysis to National Mapping Programme (NMP) standards, alongside a synthesis of previous work, in which we wish to include PAS finds. This will inform targeted ground-based work including geophysical survey, analytical field survey, ploughzone investigations and sample excavation. Projects currently underway cover the Lakes and Dales, West Wiltshire and SW Cambridgeshire; further details are available on the EH website.

Audit data

  • Created: 10 years ago
  • Created by: D P

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