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Roman roads in Yorkshire

Principal investigator: Liam
Level: Personal research project

Spatial Analysis of PAS Roman finds data to suggest routes of unknown/uncertain Roman roads in Yorkshire

It has been recognised for some time that Roman settlement patterns in Yorkshire closely follow the Roman roads. This project aims to use PAS finds to data to identify linear concentrations of finds which might be indicative of the routes of roads in areas where there are gaps in our knowledge of the Roman road network. It is also hoped that such data might shed light on the validity or otherwise of various claims for roads or routes being of Roman origin, for which current evidence is less than persuasive, for example M721 Bradford to Elslack.

This is part of a wider attempt to collate current data on Roman roads in Yorkshire and produce as definitive and up to date a picture as possible, to be published on the website of the Roman Antiquities Section, Yorkshire Archaeological Society. Details of findspots will of course be protected, and any published mapping will only show very generalised finds data.

It is hoped that this should be complete at least provisionally by 2017, although if successful it is perceived that the work will then be extended to cover most of northern Britain.

Audit data

  • Created: 10 years ago
  • Created by: M C

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