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Principal investigator: Liam
Level: Masters degree
From February 2011 until approx. June 2012 I intend to take on a topic listed on the PAS website: Art styles in Anglo-Scandinavian contexts: Comparison of late Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian art styles within and outside the Danelaw. Is the administrative boundary reflected in these distributions? A larger international study could profitably compare Danish finds to establish just how Scandinavian the Danelaw was – or how English. Relating this to lingustics, for example the study of place-names, would add depth. The research should result in a Master thesis at Uppsala university, Sweden. I already hold a PhD in English linguistics from Uppsala university, specialising in English place-names and studying this topic first and foremost archaeologically, but also from a linguistic perspective, could lead to various smaller contributions to our understanding of the Danelaw.