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Research in progress using our data

There are 128 projects in progress that you can read about. If you're not listed here, then please do let us know and we'll add you.

Research projects in progress or completed
Primary investigator Title Level End date
Liam The composition of Viking period hoards in the North-West of England

My dissertation topic concerns the composition of Viking period hoards in the North-West of England with special consideration for the iconography of coins in these hoards. This study will review coinage from all regions during the Viking world and discuss the social, political and/or…

Undergraduate 2013
Liam Tthe distribution of Roman fortifications in Devon and Cornwall

I am a third year undergraduate studying Archaeology with Forensic Science at the University of Exeter. My dissertation is an investigation into the distribution of Roman fortifications in Devon and Cornwall. In addition to interpreting the location of known Roman fortifications, I will b…

Undergraduate 2014
Liam Anglo-Saxon square headed brooches

An investigation into Anglo-Saxon square headed brooches.

Undergraduate 2013
Liam Archaeological evidence for land use by the monks of Selby Abbey from 1069 to the Dissolution

I am embarking on a dissertation project to fulfill part of the requirements of the part-time degree course in Archaeology at the University of Hull. The research subject is the archaeological evidence for land use by the monks of Selby Abbey from 1069 to the Dissolution. Becoming a resea…

Undergraduate -
Liam Roman coins of Devon in context

I am an undergraduate student at the University of Exeter undertaking my final year dissertation. The topic is 'Roman coins of Devon in context'. The project will look specifically at the coins of Roman Devon; their distributions and associations, with a view to assessing any patterns th…

Undergraduate 2013
Liam A study of the brooch assemblages in Roman Hampshire and Berkshire

I am currently writing my Undergraduate Dissertation at Cambridge University. I am conducting a study of the brooch assemblages in Roman Hampshire and Berkshire. My study is trying to determine the distribution of wealth throughout the area based on the complexity and level of decoration …

Undergraduate -
Liam Anglo-Saxon brooches in Hampshire

How has the Portable Antiquities Scheme added to our knowledge of Anglo-Saxon brooches in Hampshire? I am a second year undergraduate student at Cardiff University and am about to start an independent study which will be looking at Anglo-Saxon brooches in Hampshire. I would like pe…

Undergraduate -
Liam Wiltshire 410-1500AD: A study of the contributions of metal detecting to the county

For my undergraduate degree I completed my dissertation on the distribution of Anglo-Saxon and medieval finds in Wiltshire to identify if the distribution of finds could tell us more about areas which are not as well known in the historical/archaeological record.  This also incorporated…

Undergraduate 2008
Liam Topic undecided

I'm currently undertaking a Diploma in Archaeology at Oxford Dept. of Continuing Education. I propose to use the PAS Database for the purposes of an extended project associated with this course. The topic is as yet undecided but may be associated with a geographical/temporal analysis of…

Undergraduate 2012
Liam Viking material culture in East Riding of Yorkshire

Dear Sir/Madame, I am currently an undergraduate at the University of Hull, basing my dissertational research on Viking material culture in East Riding of Yorkshire, and would like permission to access the PAS database for more detailed grid references. My intentions are to incorpo…

Undergraduate -
Liam Description and stylistic analysis of Roman Period belt buckles in British Regions

Final year P/T BA project: description and stylistic analysis of Roman Period belt buckles in British Regions, to detect influence on local belt set design from incoming later Roman germanic and other (e.g. Sarmatian) troops stationed in Britain, exploring motifs and folk meanings and myt…

Undergraduate -
Liam How can modern Agricultural schemes and Heritage Management schemes be integrated further for future Archaeology.

I would like to become a research level user because I am starting my undergraduate dissertation titled - How can modern Agricultural schemes and Heritage Management schemes be integrated further for future Archaeology. Within this I am going to be looking at specific finds that farmers h…

Undergraduate -
Liam Investigating the relationship between the natural landscape and late Iron Age ritual foci

I am an undergraduate student at Durham University and for my dissertation I am investigating the relationship between the natural landscape and late Iron Age ritual foci. As my gateway into this undeniably large topic I am going to be conducting a survey of Somerset specifically. Looking…

Undergraduate -
Liam Are Roman finds recorded under the Portable Antiquities Scheme a useful source of supplementary information in advancing the study of Roman Wales?

My methodology is simple, in that I intend to compare and contrast Roman finds recorded under the PAS with Roman archaeology, in an attempt to elicit new information about Roman Wales. I cannot proceed any further without full access to the PAS database for Wales.  

Undergraduate -
Liam Research Question: Articles of faith: assessing the impact of the Reformation on the material culture of devotion in 16th-century England.

 Through an examination of religious artefacts in the wake of the reformation, this dissertation will attempt to gain a fuller understanding of the fate of these "articles of faith" that had previously been so tightly woven into the fabric of everyday life. Items of both personal and pri…

Undergraduate 2011
Liam Roman brooches found on non-Roman sites, north of Hadrian's Wall

I am currently undertaking an archaeology undergraduate dissertation focusing on Roman brooches found on non-Roman sites, north of Hadrian's Wall.  Edinburgh University student.

Undergraduate 2011
Liam Deserted Medieval village at Wordwell

To study the Deserted Medieval Village of Wordwell, Suffolk, through a geophysical survey and synthesis of field walking and desk based studies.

Undergraduate 2011
Liam English Civil War and the Battle of Maidstone and environs in 1648

I am in my final year of a Degree course with the University of Kent. As part of my final year I have to do an Archaeological project. My project is based on the English Civil War and the Battle of Maidstone and environs in 1648. I am particularly focusing on the area around the Bridge at…

Undergraduate 2011
Liam Potential landing sites for the Roman invasion of Britain

I am currently studying for a BA in Archaeology at Bristol University, as a part-time student (Stu No: 0650869). My course enters the Level 3 phase this autumn and I will be commencing a dissertation. I am currently considering a re-assessment of evidence for identifying the potential…

Undergraduate 2011
Liam Consideration of whether the Hog's Back Ridge between Guildford and Farnham represented a tribal boundary in the Middle to Later Iron Age and/or was part of a long distant trade route.

Consideration of whether the Hog's Back Ridge between Guildford and Farnham represented a tribal boundary in the Middle to Later Iron Age and/or was part of a long distant trade route. Research will feature on identification and typology of finds. This project forms part of my Dissertati…

Undergraduate 2011

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