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Rights Holder: The Portable Antiquities Scheme
CC License:
Our images can be used under a CC BY attribution licence (unless stated otherwise).
Unique ID: BM-982FA4
Object type certainty: Probably
status: Awaiting validation
A lead alloy shot / ball of probable Post-Medieval or Early Modern date (1600-1800 AD) from a pistol.
The shot is spherical suggesting it may not have been fired. It has an off white, medium grey colour.
It is 13mm in diameter.
Due to the size and weight the ball is most likely to be from a pistol
Sub class: Pistol Ball
Subsequent action after recording: Returned to finder
Broad period: POST MEDIEVAL
Subperiod from: Early
Period from: POST MEDIEVAL
Subperiod to: Late
Date from: Circa AD 1600
Date to: Circa AD 1900
Quantity: 1
Weight: 12.95 g
Diameter: 13 mm
Date(s) of discovery: Sunday 1st December 2024
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Grid reference source: Centred on parish
Unmasked grid reference accurate to a 10 metre square.
No references cited so far.