Kent Finds, October-December 2018

Welcome finders, find specialists and everyone else interested in the archaeological finds of Kent. In this issue you will find the Kent Find Liaison Officer’s schedule for the next quarter, a selection of recent stunning finds and our next instalment of Kent is Wyrd where we take a look at the artefacts and finds which help give Kent a unique archaeological personality.

Kent Finds, The Newsletter for the PAS and finds in Kent. July-September 2018

Welcome finders, find specialists and everyone else interested in the archaeological finds of Kent. In this issue you will find the Kent Find Liaison Officer’s schedule for the next quarter, info on new projects starting in Kent, a selection of finds from the last quarter and the first of a three part series, Kent is Wyrd’, where we take a look at what artefacts make Kent, Kent 

Click here for Kent is Wyrd! Part One:

The Bronze Age in Kent, the Wonder in the Weird



Kent Finds, The Newsletter for the PAS and finds in Kent. April-June 2018

Welcome! To Kent Finds, the new newsletter for the PAS and finds in Kent. Every three months we will see where the FLO is going to be around the county, finds highlights and articles about new discoveries and what makes Kent, ‘Kent’ on the PAS database.