Welcome to your Hampshire Team

Welcome back!

After a year of remote recording we can meet finders in person at our offices in Winchester.

Meetings are by appointment. Please contact flo@hampshireculturaltrust.org.uk to arrange a time.

  • We have a big backlog! Our priority is the Treasure process, receiving finds and returning completed cases. 
  • We are keen to record your non-Treasure finds, but this will be as time allows. Please bear with us.    
  • You can still contact us by email to report potential Treasure, and for identifications and recording. 

Your FLOs

Hampshire now has two FLOs in a job-share: Jenny Durrant and Simon Maslin. You can reach us both at: flo@hampshireculturaltrust.org.uk 

Or you can contact Jenny or Simon directly, according to where you found your object.

Jenny Durrant  (FLO for Hampshire West)

District areas: Test Valley, Winchester, Eastleigh, Southampton, Fareham, Gosport, New Forest

Email: Jenny.Durrant@hampshireculturaltrust.org.uk

Address: Hampshire Cultural Trust, Chilcomb House, Chilcomb Lane, SO23 8RD

Phone: 07710 093831

I usually work Monday mornings, Tuesdays, and Wednesday mornings.

Simon Maslin (FLO for Hampshire East, and Surrey)

District areas: Basingstoke & Dean, Hart, East Hampshire, Havant and Portsmouth

Email: Simon.Maslin@hampshireculturaltrust.org.uk

Address: Hampshire Cultural Trust, Chilcomb House, Chilcomb Lane, SO23 8RD

Phone: 07968 832740