Fare thee well PASt Explorers!

Today marks the end of the PASt Explorers project, started in November 2014 to develop the Portable Antiquities Scheme volunteer base, providing training and support alongside other resources for our FLOs and volunteers. The project was generously funded by the National Heritage Lottery Fund and we are extremely grateful for their support. Sadly, we bid …more

Last Few Tickets Left for PAS Conference 2018 Recording Britain’s Past 12 October 2018

The British Museum’s Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) has recorded over 1.3 million finds – each one a unique discovery made by a member of the public. This conference celebrates 15 years of the Scheme, with a day or discussion and debate. These explore how the PAS is advancing knowledge, sharing information about the past, encouraging …more

PASt Explorers Conference 2016: What Do People Do All Day: The Busy World of Volunteers

The PASt Explorers Conference 2016: What Do People Do All Day: The Busy World of Volunteers is now open for bookings. This year’s conference celebrates the contribution of volunteers to the PAS through the project. Through PASt Explorers, supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF), more people are now volunteering with the PAS, undertaking finds-related work, …more

PASt Explorers Volunteers Conference 2016. Save the Date and Call for Talks!

We are currently in the process of organising the forthcoming PASt Explorers Conference in partnership with National Museums Liverpool and would like to invite all PAS Volunteers (and FLOs) to get involved in the following: What Do People Do All Day? The busy world of volunteers. Thursday 29th September 2016, 10.00–16.30 Event Space and Lecture …more

Derbyshire County Pages Launched Today

We’re excited to announce the launch of the Derbyshire County Pages, our sixth County Pages site to go live. Derbyshire is home to Cresswell Crags, the famous Palaeolithic caves, and museums that display several impressive coin hoards. Learn more about visiting Derbyshire’s heritage sites or explore archaeological finds from Derbyshire reported to the Portable Antiquities …more