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Michael Lewis

Role: Head of Scheme and Treasure
Database records prefix: PAS

Address: Department of Learning and National Partnerships, The British Museum,
Great Russell Street, London, Greater London, WC1B 3DG

lat: 51.519084 , long: -0.125241

Short profile:

Michael joined the Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) in 2000 as Finds Liaison Officer Kent, and was appointed Outreach Officer the following year. In 2003, following the expansion of the Scheme to the whole of England and Wales, Michael became Deputy Head of the PAS, and is now Head of the Scheme.

Michael read his BA in History/Theology (Surrey/Roehampton), MA in Medieval Studies (York) and PhD in History (Kent). His PhD is on The Archaeological Authority of the Bayeux Tapestry, was published as a British Archaeology Report (404) in 2005, and as a 'popular' book - entitled The Real World of the Bayeux Tapestry - in 2008.That year Michael co-organised an international symposium on the Bayeux Tapestry, which was published in 2011 asThe Bayeux Tapestry: new approaches (with Gale Owen Crocker and Dan Terkla).

Michael has also edited the PAS annual reports since the 2001-2002 report. He co-edited (with Sally Worrell, Geoff Egan, John Naylor and Kevin Keahy) A Decade of Discovery: Proceedings of the PAS Conference 2007, and is current editor of the Scheme's contribution to Post Medieval Archaeology. Michael has also written numerous articles on medieval and post-medieval small finds, and has a particular interest in relgious artefacts.

Michael is a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London (FSA), a Member of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA), and a Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Art Scholars. He is also the Secretary of the Portable Antiquities Advisory Group (PAAG), and is an Adviser to the All Party Parliamentary Archaeology Group (APPAG). For five years Michael was a Special Police Constable with the Metropolitan Police Services' Art & Antiques Unit.

Michael's main role is to manage the work of the Scheme's Finds Advisers and Finds Liaison Officers, and lead on the the Scheme's advocacy work. He co-ordinates the production of the Portable Antiquities Scheme Annual Reports and other literature produced by the Scheme. He is the main contact for export licensing and heritage crime.

Phone (work): +44 (0)207 323 8611
Phone (fax): 0207 323 8618

Email address:

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